Conservation and Fundraising

Over the past decade, Clark-Skamania Flyfishers has donated more than $275,000 toward coldwater fisheries restoration and youth education. Funds have been used for such projects as securing public fishing access to popular fisheries on the Grande Ronde, Yakima and Hoh rivers and funded major habitat restoration initiatives in the Wind, Klickitat, Washougal and Lewis river watersheds. Working with our education partners we host beginning flyfishing schools and fishing experiences for youth, veterans and cancer survivors.

The club raises funds through our annual Flyfisherman’s Folly banquet and online auctions of fishing equipment and kit donated by our members and commercial supporters. Check out our current auctions and donate, knowing that 100% of your contributions will go to conservation activities.

You may also simply make a donation toward our conservation programs or the support of the club knowing that your contribution is both tax deductible and supports the betterment of our SW Washington community.

"There will be days when the fishing is better than one's most optimistic forecast, others when it is far worse. Either is a gain over just staying home."

-Roderick Haig-Brown